I know my blog has been a bit silent as of late. I do appologize for that. I've been a bit... busy. Looking at my old posts, I haven't put up anything since I first started working on Cary Simms. Well, I can assure you, things have been going as planned.
My writing/editing schedule is now so solidified that I know what I'll be doing every day for the next forever. As I said in my last blog, with how I write and edit, I'm able to put out 4 YA/GA books, as well as 1 Middle Grade book, each year. As people keep telling me, that's a lot, especially when working at a day job full time.
So, that's why I haven't been posting on here much. I've been trying to keep up that schedule. With the day job being what it is sometimes, that tends to fill up my days a bit. However, I'll be trying to put at least something out more often. Maybe once a week or so. But, right now, I'm focused on getting Water's Eye and Sports World edited (finalizing the third drafts), getting them ready for their final read through later this year.
To make up for the lack of announcements, below I have my current schedule for books for the next several years. This is when I'll be writing them, not when I'll be publishing them. However, if you consider each book gets 3 edits, and I have the edits between writing, that can give you some sense on when the books will be out. Enjoy.
