I hadn't really thought much about my website. It was a bit of a beast, with all my books having their own spot on multiple pages. For those familiar with the site, there were often times when I'd let the pages go stale for months at a time, just to avoid moving things around manually.
Well, not anymore. As of today, my whole site is dynamic. Meaning, I can control almost all the content on it from a single spreadsheet. I had seen hints of this functionality before, but I hadn't gotten around to trying it out. It was almost fun, figuring out how to manage it. The real interesting bit was the homepage, because I can't set a dynamic page to the homepage. But then I realized, I don't need to make a dynamic page for my page to be dynamic. Four datasets, all set on the front page, all linked to each section, and on a regular, non-dynamic page. Woot.
Of course, now I have to figure out how to make buttons hidden when there's no links... and update the mobile versions of the pages. Those will have to wait, though. It's time to slide over to the editor's desk.